Wednesday, September 3, 2008

in da bel class

hye again ..... currently I'm in english class ...... so,datz why I speaking london ...... hahaha ...... rauda beside me juz open my blog ....... hahaha ....... I'm not listening the answer from my friends ....... how rude ....... :p I bet majority of mt classmate are not in da mood to study right now coz diz is replacement class for last two week since our lecturer might not feel very well ........ a bit tired with fasting n all ....... lack of sleep n lack of food ........ I don't know why diz is happen to me ........ ok,I lied ....... actually I know what happen ....... hahaha ........ I'm looking forward diz evening I'm going to bazar ramadan at stadium ........ I guess I have to go now ....... there is so article that I have to read ....... TTFN