Tuesday, July 28, 2020

New job by the lake

Someone remind me yesterday why I didnt write in blog. guess what, I do write in blog. so long ago which mostly either I was bored or sad. So now, why I writing again? I dunno. maybe now because I'm lonely? Or maybe because I want to just typing? Haha. Reading all the previous post which ada yg klakar ada yg sad. Cam wow ak ke yg tulis tue. Maybe it will become memories in the old day. 

Back to the question. Why im lonely? I change my job recently which now in Heriot Watt University and NOPE not as lecturer. I not so good in teaching. Im here as Manager, Planning and analysis. gitu. analysis la sangat. Maybe I was comfortable during my transition from Guocoland to Exim due to I have Wani and Juani there. Working with best friend. Best kot. (Nasib xsempat nak gado besar). haha. Now here alone in the cubicle. Far away from other staff (which klau ak hilang pon xde spe prasan). Kawan pon xrmai. Bole bilang dgn jari. hahaha. Time will heal kot nanti.
Ok my experience change job from Exim to Herriot. Hmmm... part by part dl:

1) Interview in December 2019 via Skype. At first, xnak pon pegi sbb malas nk pegi sbb jauh kt Putrajaya and masa tue tgh busy dgn budget. Meeting every day every hour (xleh kalahkan wani but still...) When Heriot called again for second time nk interview via skype aku cam ok da xde alasan. terpaksa juga la ni. So, esoknya call via skype kt meeting room blah treasury (curi2 duduk situ konon nk wat keje dgn tenang). tapi dlm masa sama telefon berdering2 dari Puan Farizah cari nk discuss psl drawdown blah2. Interview dgn Janice, Kiew Sen and Kevin. Lps abis interview, I got that feeling. Rasa mcm dpt ni. Then HR tiba email tanya psl mmg xleh join awl or ada leave nk clear ke. dpt je email tue I remember I told Zaim and Wani - Rasa mcm dpt ni. Xsmpt reply email from HR trus dpt offer letter. Gila la. laju btol. part tue btol2 impress. sbb baru je tanya td brp rmai candidate. 

2) Pas2 resign slps agreed by all parties including CFO (sbb masa tue ada internal reorganisation smua kt Exim). So smua pon konon berkobar nk resign sama tapi smua pon masih ada kt Exim. 3 bulan serve notice mcm2 jadi. setiap hari mmg berkobar la nk last day. Until tggl one month. Tiba mcm makin sayu. Being the number two to my CFO (yes of course number one is wani), bukan sng nk dpt kepercayaan tue. Being able to do apa yg die nak (which baru die sebut nak apa I will said ok I will do it). I will do anything for her during my services in Exim. But most importantly, the fact I will leave my BFF there with all the things I know going to make her life more hectic. Really made my heart camne nk kata ek. and yes, two weeks before last day. Covid plak muncul. masa tue cam btol ke ak nak tukar keje tyme ni. ragu2 gila2 punya. My CFO masa tue try nk pujuk to stay tapi die ssh nk counter offer sbb as I mention above reog structure. (I will called her CFO forever even da kena downgrade). Yes bila jmp COO die mmg ad la ckp konon nk counter but ckp je la. xde la bersungguh pon. and time not on my side masa tue. Sbb smua da nk start keje from home. tapi bankkan essential services so kena la keje. yes, masa tue I keje xde gilir2 pon dok kt umh. I go work every day. Team A ke Team B ke. dua2 pegi. So byk kali la dpt farewell. smpt la involve dgn Moratorium tue. (terigt first time dgr tue masa wat exposure draft review. which xsangka few week after that mmg hari2 dgr).

3) I know ada few yg mcm pelik why from corporate world I choose to be in education. which rmai kata education is slow industry. yes, btol mmg slow but ada la die punya challenge sendiri. Even Wani end up mentioned (yg ak igt smp skrg) - 'sbnarnya I xske u pegi masuk education tue'. Ye wani. cpt jd CFO. I nk jd serectary. (i know maybe ur focus now da lain sbb accident. speedy recovery wani!!!)

 4) Joined Heriot Watt at 1 April 2020. On board virtually. yes mmg sgt pelik tp impressive that actually they are ready to be onboard virtually. Induction ada video. hahaha. kagum. cumanya laptop kena guna laptop sendiri. for 3 month and 2 week I communicate dgn bos every morning via Microsoft Teams then subsequently kurang jd tiga then jadi dua then jadi satu. Kononnya nk berinteraksi la dgn uni so I buat tiga benda yg bukan relate dgn keje. 
    a) video raya (which lawak gila amik video muka sendiri kt umh smbl pakai baju kurung and ckp sorg2. tapi tah saje konon nk rs mcm part of family la kononnya) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0QGMjRrOJo&feature=youtu.be  
    b) participate dgn article utk covid. being approach dgn org UK kononnya nk wat article. tapi lps tiga bln xkluar pon article tue. mcm nk give up da tye. tapi tiba je da publish (smggu sblom nk masuk keje kt campus - https://www.hw.ac.uk/news/noticeboard/lockdown-diaries-onboarding.htm 
    c) participate dgn research. yg ni xde pon result lg. just interview dgn researcher from Uk. which salah satu soalan die tanya do you will belong to the campus. dgn selamba jwb x. HAHAHA. mmg la. dok umh je hari2. nk rs belong apa. die ckp nk cari lg skali lps enam bulan. Ok kita tgk la ms tue da belong ke blom.

5) 20 July 2020. hari pertama masuk campus. Yeaahhhh first day sesat xtau mana nk masuk basement. hahaha. then smua pakai mask. bosan btol. then round2 campus which xleh masuk lif sbb ada 5 org. sop kata 4 org je. grrrr. fine. jln la dgn heel yg 3 bln lbh xpakai ni. excited juga la nk jmp org yg slalu jmp dlm Teams je. One thing yg nnt nk bgtau kt researcher tue. bila jmp dpn2 dgn org actually smua mcm lain dari what I picture them. ada yg ak ingat kurus tp sbnarnya tembam. ada yg pendek tp sbnar tinggi. hahaha. even comment from HR manager to me is waaaah liyana I thought u are short and small. hahahaha. 

Anyway, tue je la kot cte nk share. Tapi again I didnt feel like myself lately. feel so useless and bored. sampaikan on 24 July 2020. I go see my manager to ask for how is my performance here. Die ckp very good. technical good. i have no problem with you. which I think not pushing my limit lg. tapi kadang dlema gak. nk keje byk ke nk keje sikit ke. bila keje byk stress bila keje sikit bole jd gila juga. nnt la lps raya ni baru btol2 pkr blk nk wat apa. ada je keje tp klau ak wat tue cpt je siap klau focus. (bkn nk blagak tp mmg btol). So ya. tgk la nnt bila lg rajin nk type ni. mcm da panjang je type.  

Picture kt bawah ni dgn bos and PS head and School Head. Welcome and farewell for me and Faiz. Smua acah2 amik pic duduk jauh2. Social distancing kononnya.