Monday, June 28, 2010

melaka trip with the Mak ciks

I guess by now all my batch (almost) already 'pokai' coz it almost the end of our sweet holiday and for some beginning of their short holiday. pity them but experiences are more important right? my one month holiday (before starting my last semester) was full with activities that kinda fun and enjoying. after this I had to back to the old routine which is studying. looking forward to meet my friends but not the late night study or assignment and also lectures. okay, enough with the boring subject. let move on to the reason I'm writing today.
our journey was on 6 June which is on Saturday. Yasmin pick us after her dad make a quick check up(to the car). stop at Mamak for a quick breakfast. (xbgtau awl2 klau xde la ak mkn kt umah. xpe,jimat duit). isi2 minyak and beli2 kerepok. setting up the GPS to our hotel and NOW we ready to go! the journey was smooth. only some part was a bit 'jam'. I can't remember where but I think it was on the way to Port Dickson's exit (kot). we make a quick stop at the rest area all because someone xthn nk g toilet. nothing much activities in the car. playing with Aqma's DSLR.(wat cam harta sendri). listened to music. gossip-ing. eating. laughing. like I said, nothing much. haha.

my first two day of my holiday, I had stayed at home doing NOTHING. imagine that. really bored me to death. but I had survives. hehe. that weekend I went to a trip with my besh buddies( Aqma, Yasmin and Joaana). trip to Melaka Bandar Bersejarah. haha. two day trip.

We arrived almost at 2pm at our hotel, Empire Hotel(btol ke nama hotel ek?). Aqma and Joanna g check in sementara Yasmin and I carik2 parking ... then g meredah bilik hotel yg kt tgkt 18 tue ... tggi wuuu ... button lif die comel ... hahaha ... bilik die ok2 la ... xigt plak sorg kn bayar brp ... rehat2 jap ... our stomach da wat bunyi music rock, zapin, smua ad la. nasyid je xsmpt. :p. mne xnye da kol brp tyme tue ... kol 2 kot ... refresh then off to Jonker's Street.

g jejlan kt Jonker's Street.mkn laksa. sedap gle. and also cendol(not bad). I'm not a fan of cendol. So, if u asked me, I don't know any different. haha. but the laksa was very3 delicious.then we, make a quick walk along that road. many thing sold there. but mostly accessories. taking a few picture there. having fun playing with the dslr. buat cam harta sendiri lg. haha. taking few picture bajet cam pro tp xde la lawa pon ak amik. xkisah la. janji ad pic. kn3.

then we heading to some place to eat AGAIN. A place called Umbai. it famous for it ikan bakar aka seafood. Yasmin said we must go early. if not, the place will be very crowded. which is true. we having Pari Bakar, Sotong goreng, Butter Prawn and ikan Siakap(I think). kenyang gle. da la br mkn laksa. xabis digest lg da kn mkn lg. kenyang den.

then, we went back to Jonker's, jonker's street malam2 mmg dasat gle r. pnuh dgn org. macam pasar malam. every shops set up something like booth. alaa,yg cam pasar mlm tue. xtau pggl pe. the price of course much more cheaper. nyesal gak ptg td da beli. tp xpe la. sedekah.(ayt sedapkan ati). tp pening gak la rmai sgt org. siap ad org nyanyi2 lg. aqma br je berhajat nk wat poco2 kt pentas kt situ(kidding). almost 11 o'clock, we when back to our hotel to get some rest. exhausted.

second day ~
since the room was booked for two person, secara logicnye breakfast utk dua org la,kn. since kitorg berempat, so we had decided yasmin and I g breakfast. breakfast ok2 je. xcukup garam. haha, then packing up our stuff and tgk tv jap sementara tggu diorg siap2. n seperti biasa la TV yg tgk ak. haha. then check out hotel and grak tue Taming Sari. before that, joanna and aqma breakfast kt McD. and the cashier ke org dapur enta xigt. lembab gle. leh plak borak2 smbl wat keje. klau tgn grak xpe. p mulut je. ayoyo. then g Taming Sari. adoi haih. tetibe rosak la plak. da la panas gle. tggu je la. and yg give up da blah. tggu2 dlm 15 minit kot. baru leh tutup pintu. so,naik la. tgk view kt atas. lawa la gak. then ready nk blk Subang. and igt nasib malang da berakhir ruper2nye dpt plak souvenir from abang MBMB. yeah3,beshnye kena saman. manalah kitorg tau ari ahad pon kn byr parking. and also, da la gne parking yg jenis lamanye tue. ish3. tah2 ms kitorg tgh naik Taming Sari tue die tgh saman ... hahaha ... ad plak pic kete2 tu. agak2 nmp x pakcik MBMB tu ek

mcm kete mainan plak

so, we had to make a quick stop at yasmin's kampung to asked adik yasmin to byrkan the saman since that was our last day there. malas sungguh. Yasmin kena buli ngan adeq die. haha. had lunch there. and it was delicious. tq mak cik Yasmin. and then we continue our journey home. arrived at 3 or 4. can't remember. tired but overall worth it. can't wait for our next plan. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010


di sini aku masih sendiri
merenungi hari-hari sepi
aku tanpamu, masih tanpamu

bila esok hari datang lagi
ku coba hadapi semua ini
meski tanpamu oooh meski tanpamu

bila aku dapat bintang yang berpijar
mentari yang tenang bersamaku disini
ku dapat tertawa menangis merenung
di tempat ini aku bertahan

suara dengarkanlah aku
apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya

suara dengarkanlah aku
apakah aku slalu dihatinya
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya

kalau ku masih tetap disini
ku lewati semua yang terjadi
aku menunggumu, aku menunggu

suara dengarkanlah aku
apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya

suara dengarkanlah aku
apakah aku ada dihatinya
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


well,how to begin this. it all started on 1st December 2009. I still remember I can't really sleep that night . due to wat? nervous? anxious? I also don't know . but one thing for sure every hours I woke up. I was awake at 6.30 in the morning. bathing. praying. then ready to go to work . my mum said it still early but maybe nervous 'menguasai' me . this is my first tyme driving all by myself to Mutiara Damansara. I afraid that I might be late(due to traffic and maybe get lose) so, at 7 am I on my way there. I reach there at 7.30 which is consider too early . I call my BFF, Diyana since I get free calls to all my xpax friend due to my birthday. yup, that day is my birthday. what a perfect present I received from UiTM. at 8.00am I on my way to my office. quite nervous but 'belagak' professional. when straight to the lift. follow behind people there because I'm afraid that the lift required card to go to other level but fortunately it not. what a relief.

I reached the 3A level. pelik gak knp la xpggl level 4 je. pas2 br tau kn Chinese xske no 4 coz consider bad luck. pape je la. lps kluar lif tue,trus g kt receptionist. da cuak blk. ape ek ak ckp tyme tue. recall blk.

liyana: morning. sy start practical hari nie. nie surat.
faridah: owh yake. kejap ek
(die call someone)
faridah:jom ikut akak.

pas2 ikut la die g jmp someone call Amy. cuak lg. die bw jmp Senior Manager. ckp gitu2 je ngan die then die bw jmp kak norida.die srh kak norida knlkan dgn staff lain n wat keje check menda tah. n bg ak tmpt kt dpn kak norida. ok je. then g berkenalan ngan staff yg da dtg. of course la rmai xdtg lg. xkisah la. ak pon segan. haha. then kak maizun dtg. die minta tukar tmpt. ak ok je.mne2 pon xkisah la. sbb bkn knl spe2 pon. 1st day kt opis amat menyeksakan sbb xde spe pon ak knl n nk ckp pon xtau nk ckp kt spe. mmg byk sms je la. org bg keje buat. org lalu pandang je. hahaha. mmg innocent gle r. tyme lunch g kt kak norida.

liyana:korg slalu mkn mane?
norida: akk slalu bw bekal je. slalu diorg mkn kt tesko. jln g sne.
liyana: owh,camne nk g sne.(mke innocent gle)
norida: turun lalu jln dpn tue.
(maybe mke ak terlalu nmp innocent pas2...)
norida: jom kt g mkn skali.
liyana: akk kata da bw bekal.
norida: xpe, jom.

so,kitorg jln g tesco. die blanje mkn sempena birthday la kononnye. so,berakhir la first day. seminggu rasa cam nk berhenti je. knp la ak pilih practical kat sini. da la sorg2. org lain at least ad kawan. lg cam down ble odah dpt g hantar g miri. jeles pon ad gak. ak plak wat pe. lipat invoice n statement yg beratus2 tue. mne ak xdown. tp dua tiga hari je la. hahaha.

two three days after dat, Amy assign me to work wif Jalilah since her assistant will on leave for two month(bersalin biasa la tue). so, that the moment I get close to her and listen to every stories about her life. work related and non work related. many of my officemate xske sgt die coz die byk ckp. but I ok je. she taught me a lot of things and share her experience also. she also give me sourviner from Bali.

basically, keje dgn jalilah byk handle credit control. ape itu credit control? bahasa kasarnye is kejar org yg xbyr utang, legal kes, maintenance account dll. sebati dgn jiwa yg dipggl ceti kt UiTM and along kt sekolah. here I learn about what the pro and con changing to new system. almost five month gak la dgr diorg bising2 about da system. mmg byk trouble pon. statement of account for January lmt kluar. klau xsilap bln dua rsnye br kluar. itu pon ak kn check every customers. owh ya, every customer. yg ad 400++ cutomer tue ak kn check. ad yg slah ad yg btol. bile statement bln 2 lain plak salahnye. sian kak sharifah n kak norizan. diorg da asing2 kn tetibe slah. yup,smua yg slah kn la buang. bkn skali je slah. 3 kali slah. n tiga kali gak la da lipat masuk envelope. kn kluarkan blk n recycle blk.

February~ Sharifah had return from her holiday. honestly I quite worry what will happen to me? izzit I will be pull back to work with account department. I kinda like working with Jalilah since she teach me alot of stuff. but since Amy don't say anything about my status so I kinda ok xkisah la. die da lpe kot kewujudan ak. so,continue with my job and Sharifah had been given other task by Jalilah regarding the new system.

April ~ lg dua bln nk abis. wee~ dats tyme Izad join us as one of manager. da only malay manager(male) there. I forgot to mention, there only seven of of fourteen (including me) malay there before Izad joined us. this only for account department. at sales department, there is no malay at all. only the receptionist. my job mostly related to sales department. only recently when the new system having so much trouble and need my expertise(cewah) in reconcile the item I'm dealing with account department. I love reconcile things coz if kinda like solving a puzzle to me. the satisfaction finding the answer.

May~ mostly hand over job to sharifah. sayu je lpskan keje kt die blk. tp nk wat camne. terpaksa gak lpskan one day. hmm,kinda excited da nk abis keje n xyah menempuh jam. ad gak rs sayu.

dua mggu sblom merdeka~ siap tulis kt calendar spe ptt blanje. haha. selama dua mggu xbw bekal n mkn kt luar. weee. kenyang perut mkn free. tq smua 4 da McD, Steamboat, Garden, Secret Recipe,Pizza Hut, and Santai. kenyang2 ... hahaha

empat hari sblom merdeka ~ Jalilah yg seperti biasa smp lmt. u nk experience baru x?igtkan die nk bg lg buat assignment yg xbesh cam ari tue(kn trace blk knp byran die xsme n knp die byr cam2.. ok pjg cte klau leh xnk igt... task yg plg ssh prh ak wat). ruper2nye srh angkt tel aka jd receptionist. chehh,pnt ak melarikan diri dr dl akhirnye kn jd gak. besh gak la jd recep nie coz dpt tau spe ske gayut n dgn spe(klau org tue dlm opis r). and leh bc novel ngan berleluasa. n leh gayut!!! hahaha. nasib la. spe srh letak ak kt situ. dl ak tgk receptionist tue slalu je wat. ak tiru je. tyme ak jd tue, Izad n Jalilah slalu je melawat. tue la,letak lg ak kt situ. konon2nye experiment la tue. camne ak xde kt opis. hahaha.

last day~ kn siapkan keje2 yg terbantut sbb kn jd receptionist n seperti biasa la ari sabtu mmg xwat kejenye. siapkan keje pon still g kacau2 manager2. hahaha. mle rs sebak tp ignore dgn keje yg berlambak2. kacau kak norida,jalilah, henry, izad(ok2,basically kacau semua). then keje ak xabis pon. tetibe alarm phone bunyi, ak br teringat ak ad buat alarm berbunyi ~ yeah3 da abis practical~ok, now xthn sebak. kol 5 bg pencil and smua la alat tulis. smua da start ckp bye2. ok,perkara xdiingini berlaku. tyme ckp bye kt computer n printer yg enam bln ak gne. mata da berair. control2. g kt meja, org da mle ckp bye2. ok xthn. trus mengalir air mata. adoi,trus xmacho. ape nie ngs. smua dok ckp jgn sedey, nnt dtg melawat. ye,tau bkn sengaja nk sedey. ter ok ter. laju je nk blk. bye2 cpt2. Izad sy slalu perli2 sebak je tgk ak ngs. arrrgghhh tidakkk. kemachoan ilang. hahaha. then, salam2 peluk2. dpt braclet and stuff animal. lg xthn nk ngs. trn laju2 masuk kete. trus non stop. hahaha. ape la ak nie. dpt msg from Jalilah n Izad. ok,lg nk ngs. wawawa. jalilah ckp die ad nk bg card tp xsmua sign lg. nnt ak ckp ak claim.

TQ BBM coz giving me so much experience. yup,in my heart something I hate that place so much due to some unavoidable thing that cannot mention here. but in the end I miss it so much. I know the problem not yet been settle but I hope one day I will be coming back to Boustead not as trainee n not as account clerk but one of the top management. ecece. nk juga. xpe, berangan xsalah. :p


mungkin ko xsedar tp ak sedar ...
byk yg bakal berubah ...
n byk yg da berubah ...
mungkin kt xhargainye dahulu ...
sehingga ini terjadi ...
tp tanpa cerita semalam tidak akn adanye ak yg sekrg ...
takdir menemukan kita ...
suka duka ...
gelak tawa ...
tangis hiba ...
semuanye hanya tggl sejarah ...
ak prh menyesal dgn ape yg berlaku ...
tp bila kukenang kembali ia merupakan satu pengajaran hidup ...
yg menjadikan ak itu ak ...
terima kasih dunia ...
di atas pengajaran hidup ...
banyak lagi ak perlu tempuhi ...
semoga ak mempunyai kekuatan utk menghadapi segala rintangan dan dugaan ...
ku berdoa kepadamu tuhan ...
berikanlah ak pertunjuk utkku mengharungi segala dugaanmu ...