Friday, May 28, 2010

pejamkan mata

ku pejamkan mata,
kau hadir disisi....
ku hulurkan tangan
kau sambut dengan kasih
tenangkanlah hatimu agar bisaku senyum
pejamkan lah matamu
jika rindukan wajahku~

ku pejamkan mata,
kau hadir disisi....
bisik mesra darimu,
menyemai kasihku....
bahagiakan dirimu,
agar bisa ku senyum...
pejamkan lah matamu
ku pasti disisi.......

untuk dikau kasih,
ku curahkan cinta suci...
yang tak mungkin terpadam,
akan terus membara...
bahagiakan dirimu
disaat ku tersenyum...
pejamkan lah matamu,
jika rindukan wajahku...
janjiku kepadamu,
aku pasti disisi....

merintih dalam jiwa,
pergiku tak kembali....
terpisah jua kita,
tak bisa ku ingkari...
sehati dan sejiwa,
kita telah berjanji...
pejamkan lah matamu,
ku pasti disisi.....
bahagiakan dirimu,
satukan lah hati,
dengan takdir jodohmu....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

life is funny

life is funny isn't it? just when you think you've got it all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited about something, and feel like you know what direction you're heading in, the paths change, the signs change, the wind blows the other way, north is suddenly south, and east is west, and you're lost. It is so easy to lose your way, to lose direction. and that's with following all the signposts.

There aren't many sure things in life, but one thing I know for sure is that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. You have to follow through on some things.
something had change. I know. I some point I hate the Liyana that I had become. But when I think about it, everything happen for a reason. If all those thing doesn't happen, I will not be this kind of person.

for example, if I don't have fight with a friend of mine when I was in form 2, I might not meet my 4 awesome besh friend. Ashikin, Aqma, Joanna and Yasmin. Each of u guys unique in your own way and for that I love u guys. n also diyana which had a similar name as mine u bright my day and hold most of my past secret life, hahaha . really enjoy if u're around but seem u miss ur bf more than me ... haha kidding!and to both my bf aka boy friend aka kwn lelaki (aizat n Irshad) u guys rock ... y? coz have to listen to every stupid mistake I told u guy and repeating the same sentences every times I mengadu.which is ak da ckp ko xnk dgr. hahaha.

going to finish my internship soon. going to miss my office mate although there so many drama that happen around the office that I really2 need to pekakkn telinga when listen to them. haha. but knowing them make me realize even though I complain but I still love the company. I think when I'm around, then place had been different.Y? because I change the 'atmosphere' there.

Uitm's friend. mostly now hang out with my dear Nurfadlina. she is very unique too n I never know other side of her which is xsangka ad dlm diri die. hahaha . in six month almost 4 netball game we played together(yeke 4?).really enjoy hang out with her. Rauda~ also a nice person I ever know. funny but can be serious person in the same time. glad I given a chance to be one of her friend. And one thing I miss the most is the time I spend together with Nuranisa. I really miss u n deep inside my heart feel 'terkilan' coz not really know u like before. n I don't know if u've any problem. what kind of besh friends is that? sorry nisa 4 not being able to be like before.

actually, ad byk lg nk cte psl org tp xde idea. spe2 yg xde kt dlm nie sori bebyk ye.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Be open to the new challenges

ada org ckp kt kn hadapi masalah ...
jgn lari dari masalah ...
sbb masalah tue akn menghantui diri kt nnt ...
kenapa ak rasa kdg2 salah satu cari adalah utk kt lari dari masalah ...
sbb dgn lari dari masalah, kt dapat hindari diri kt dari terluka ...
kdg2 baik xtau dari tau sesuatu ...
sbb klau kt tau benda yg menyakitkn hati kt, kt juga yg terluka ...
so,bkn ke lari dari masalah dpt menyelamatkn diri sendiri dari terluka?
dtg dlm hidup seseorg ...
rpt dgn seseorg ...
membuatkn ak takut ...
takut kerana suatu hari nnt akn ada sesuatu yg memutuskn persahabatan kt ...
xkre la disbbkn masa,tmpt atau keadaan ...
yg pasti setiap manusia yg ak kn satu hari nnt tetap akn berpisah ...
cthnye rakan2 die tmpt praktikal ...
mungkin ak xske suasana n keadaan yg berlaku kt opis ...
atas sbb tertentu yg xleh dipaparkn di sini ...
tetapi ak xnafikan kadang2 ada masa2 yg ak gembira berada die sana ...
tp smuanye ak berakhir kurang dari 20 hari ...
enta la ...
dulu ak tau ape yg ak inginkn ...
tetapi sekarang?
ak da xpasti lagi ...
byk benda yg da berubah ...
ak xbersedia tp die tetap berubah ...
sesuatu xkn menunggu kt bersedia atau tidak ...
ia atau die tetap berubah sme ada kt ske or x ...
so,ape bleh disimpulkn di sini
Be open to the new challenges ...